19th Century examples

19th Century examples

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Product no.: TT19001D

EXAMPLE to the original version

Only parts of the total product can be heard

  • file format: mp3
  • ​file size original product: ca. 43MB
  • sample file direct to hear with "download" below description
Atmospheric mood of the time around 1770-1815, as well as for the 19th century. The composition includes musicSound character in the style of cinematic music combined with sound effects.

At the beginning, the composition accompanies the march of the armies and thus the beginning of your game. In the further course, music and sound intensify to the height of your game.
The compositions contain different musical and sound characteristics. Partial short breaks are inserted to allow atmospheric moods to work.

We wish you much fun with the composition

0.00 *
Product data sheet
Product no.: TT190002D
  • file format: mp3
  • ​file size: approx. 19MB
  • length 8 minutes from the original (with more than 30 minutes)
  • free of costs example


EXAMPLE of Steel & Powder

contrary to the purchase product, this is a quality reduced free DEMO
approx. 8 minutes

this is an EXAMPLE-version (cannot be used in the game)

it serves only to listen and to get a first impression of the original Version

there are several SECTIONS each without precise transitions

Product description for the original version (also available here in the shop
Atmospheric mood for the 19th century.

Deploying armies with infantry, cavalry, artillery, landscape and village atmosphere. Defense and attack on the fields and villages.


The composition includes musicSound character in the style of over 100 sound effects and combined with score film music. Can be used for tabletop, board game, role-playing game from the 19th century.


The sounds and music are put together as a "story" for an exciting gameplay and can be combined with other musicSound® -fx compositions from the same era.


We wish you a lot of fun with our products




Note regarding "DOWNLOAD" or take the example as a free of cost version




0.00 *
Product data sheet
Product no.: TTSEA01D
  • file format: mp3
  • ​file size: approx. 5MB
  • length 2 minutes from the original (with more than 19 minutes)
  • free of costs example


EXAMPLE of WindOverSeas

contrary to the purchase product, this is a quality reduced free DEMO
approx. 3 minutes

this is an EXAMPLE-version (cannot be used in the game)

it serves only to listen and to get a first impression of the original Version

there are several SECTIONS each without precise transitions

Atmospheric mood for the epochs NAVAL Battles 18/19th Century


The composition includes musicSound character in the style of over 100 sound effects and combined with score film music. Can be used for tabletop, board game, role-playing game, DIORAMA, Museum


The sounds and music are put together as a "story" for an exciting gameplay and can be combined with other musicSound® -fx compositions from the same era.

We wish you a lot of fun with our products



Note regarding "DOWNLOAD" see below for listening or take the example as a free of cost version
Video for WindOverSeas at youTube... click here




0.00 *
Product data sheet
* Prices incl. VAT